Friday, January 15, 2010

Gray Nicolls Nitro Bat I Want To Buy A New Cricket Bat That Fit My Needs - Which One Should I Choose?

I want to buy a new cricket bat that fit my needs - which one should I choose? - gray nicolls nitro bat

I missed a cricket bat new beats lately than in my old age seems to be dead. Despite the amount of research I am still sure to choose something.

You only need a stick, has a very good and has a slight pick-up/is light.

And if the 3 clubs I am not sure whether the purchase is as follows:

Gray Nicolls Nitro

GM Catalyst (If a GM better, tell me please specify)

Kookaburra Kahuna - Mayhem (also tell me whether it is better here or elsewhere in addition Kookaburra Kahuna Kookaburra)

Recommend PS: Please do not, the Kookaburra Kahuna Ricky Ponting, because it is too expensive, and certainly in my price range.

In addition, I ask you not to be recommended, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan or the bat - in fact, bats in the region as a whole - as I did not want to buy.

If it bats that are lighter and more efficient than the 3 mentioned above, please indicate how they help me in my research.


Juan of Adelaide said...

Woodworm bats are not very bad. KP is pretty good with them ... I do not know if they use it as "light" will be. Kahunas Kookaburra bats are really cool, but I think they were a little on the strong side. Whatever. Of the three you mentioned, I would with the catalyst. I have not played with this particular club, but I've heard GM is proposing, and a bat is excellent.

Juan of Adelaide said...

Woodworm bats are not very bad. KP is pretty good with them ... I do not know if they use it as "light" will be. Kahunas Kookaburra bats are really cool, but I think they were a little on the strong side. Whatever. Of the three you mentioned, I would with the catalyst. I have not played with this particular club, but I've heard GM is proposing, and a bat is excellent.

OJ said...

if u want good bat.just for good and

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