Friday, January 8, 2010

Herpes And Childbirth Genital Herpes And Childbirth Mixed Info?

Genital herpes and childbirth mixed info? - herpes and childbirth

I have a question:
If you are not visible wounds .. But a woman feels a burning house (itching), tingling, and she said Dr ...

is the current section to make if he did not call before he had genital herpes ... or threats and not vaginally?


crystal g said...

If u have herpes, they do a Caesarean. U do not want to risk that your child is infected. Do not be a caesarean, I had two fears, and it is painless and can choose to stay awake, or they can call u. The stables harm, but why there are many types of anti-pain pills here in the world. Do not put your child in danger! Tell your doctor. everything about your medical history.

Tiare said...

Prodromal symptoms during labor (the feeling coming from an epidemic) in women with genital herpes is a reason to stop. Why not say they have herpes? Here you can start the drugs during 36 weeks designed to prevent them

Tiare said...

Prodromal symptoms during labor (the feeling coming from an epidemic) in women with genital herpes is a reason to stop. Why not say they have herpes? Here you can start the drugs during 36 weeks designed to prevent them

i<3laura said...

No, I have a caesarean just because you feel I think you have a outbreak.if you think you have a special attention should be paid to treatment with acyclovir / Valtrex general) (Brand name or place, Section C, only if absolutely do need this, if there were no visible injuries to birth, if you have an internal focus, which is rare when the C-section, but you know that wouldnt be up at birth
You must see your doctor about your ability to speak and to speak to two concerns of doctors, if necessary

MoMy oF GaBy said...

for the benefit of your child in the AC area. because even if you do not see. Infection is still there. Your baby will almost certainly run opportunities, free from infection. Shame on you are not used to tell the doc (I mean if you) .. They are there to situations much worse than the luck .. Handle

MoMy oF GaBy said...

for the benefit of your child in the AC area. because even if you do not see. Infection is still there. Your baby will almost certainly run opportunities, free from infection. Shame on you are not used to tell the doc (I mean if you) .. They are there to situations much worse than the luck .. Handle

Esma said...

Get opted for a Caesarean section. Why should we take that risk? If you live in a house that is almost certainly a negative effect on the infant. If you are not in a home, there is still a possibility to influence the child. (Something like, even if you can not in a home, they infect their sexual partners.)

Not worth the risk. Even if you do, emotionally, too, vaginally, would you be willing to problems with your child, have your debt?

ocean_do... said...

If you develop symptoms of an outbreak occur, and you're at work, who should opt for a C-sec. Herpes can cause serious problems in a newborn.

Your doctor can make the antiviral in late pregnancy to prevent an epidemic.

If you have any symptoms, or an epidemic that is safe from a vaginal birth.

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