Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Car Loan Interest Rates How Can I Get A Decent Car Loan Interest Rate With Poor Credit?

How can I get a decent car loan interest rate with poor credit? - new car loan interest rates

I have a credit score of 600 and had a car repossesion in the last 3 years.


nps83181 said...

I work in the automotive sector as an F & I, 600 ... A credit score is not so bad in those days. It falls into the category between B-and C-paper. In a new car you should speed somewhere along the lines of X60% 8.5-13.5 months slightly higher at 72 months. (Note that the Fed has increased rates in the last 5 or 6 games on Monday, ....) The use Probally 10.5% -14.5%, depending on the make and year. The main thing to consider for the banks, as they were paid by the repo ... neglected, or determine a lot. Find a vehicle that you want examples of new and used, and the review was in its market area of Metro ... Chicago FORIG cars. The most important thing, not down as $ 500 U.S. dollars, but $ 1000 - $ 3000 depending on the automobile banks more willing to buy the paper. We also found an agency in your area that specializes in financing high. Stay away from small used car lot (in the home was a credit to all financial companies (Experian, Equifax or TransUnion) that contribute to the habit that helps future.hope is

Dats Life Baby said...

Save up to $ 500 and go directly to a car dealer small do not know anyone good to bad, even bankruptcy. U as u help to monitor their payments. Most of them are $ 500 to $ 150 monthly payments. So I have to do with my car.

Mr. Inquisitive said...

I would try to lease,. Some dealers will pass. I recently received one of my friends Leasing Altima, big rents, and was his some 620 guests.

Let me know if you need help.

mrmoore5... said...


As in the rest of it is good. You can not consider a city very well with the car loan.

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